How does it work

Our online Pre-Apprenticeship serves as an easy-to-use operational platform
providing expert content and resources.
Industry Led

The program and curriculum were created for industry, by industry, to back-fill gaps in new roles for AI and Quantum Computing.

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Career Driven

Participants gain hands-on, deep insight into high-demand technical careers in industrial automation, as well as Career Counseling.

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Certificate of Completion
Certificate of

Students are able to receive an industry-led certification, upon successful completion and passing of exams.

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We Offer a Full Range
of Wrap-around Services!

Many students may be eligible for Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act resources (WIOA), which provide access to various forms of assistance.

It takes a village to raise a child into a successful adult. We work collaboratively with families and the community to ensure participants have the best chance for success.

Digital Marketing
Flipped Classroom

Flipped Classroom
Learning Methodology.

According to the Harvard Bok Center of Learning, a flipped classroom is structured around the idea that lecture or direct instruction is not the best use of class time. Instead, students encounter information before class, freeing class time for activities that involve higher-order thinking. Students receive such higher-order instruction during weekly online Study Halls with Infinite 8, and peers.

Its smart features make it a powerful stand-alone website building tool.

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Our Tech Stack

Gain experience in only the most relevant of areas for modern Workforce Readiness.
Quantum Computing
Know more about Quantum Computing
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Quantum Computing

Mechanics, Software

Artificial Intelligence
Know more about Artificial Intelligence
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Artificial Intelligence

Inference, Prompt Engineering

API Design
Know more about API Design
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API Design

Infrastructure, Cybersecurity

Web Design
Know more about Web Design
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Web Design

Streamlit, User Interface

Workforce Partnerships for Pre-Apprentices

Pre-Apprenticeships are an invaluable and flexible opportunity, when paired with Registered & Federally Recognized Apprenticeship Programs, such as that of Infinite 8 Institute, L3C's Commercial Drones & Hybrid Quantum Software Development Program. The program covers ages 16+, and also is available for Work-ready Adults to upskill, Veterans, the Long-term Unemployed, Reentry, Seniors, and more.

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Our address

CHROME P.O. Box 1394, Norfolk, VA 23501-1394